Questions about your internship

Who are you looking for for ING Luxembourg internships? Do I have to have studied finance or management to apply for an internship?

Our internships are open to all students in Luxembourg and abroad. The internship is based on a three-party contract between ING, the intern, and the intern’s school, and will take place mainly in the city of Luxembourg. Studying finance or management is not a pre-requisite as we offer internships in all of the company’s departments.

When do internships at ING usually start?

Internship can start at any point in the year; it all depends on what the internal needs are at a given time. That being said, the majority of internship offers are published in September and February. However, the start date of the internship is always indicated in the offer. If you see an offer that interests you, apply online directly on our website

How long are ING internships? Is this a paid internship?

On average, internships are between 3 and 6 months long. This provides our interns with an adequate amount of time to gain as much experience as possible. Interns are paid an amount directly proportional to their level of schooling and the length of their internship.

What should I do if there is no internship that fits my profile?

The list of internships is updated frequently. Visit our website regularly to find an offer that fits your profile. Or, alternately, you can create a “job alert” to keep up-to-date with all our internship offers.

What should I wear to an interview?

We would recommend that you should wear something smart, but comfortable. Once you join ING as an intern, you can adapt your dress to fit with your department’s dress code.

How long is the workweek?

The Luxembourgish legal workweek is 40 hours. Unless specific constrains linked to the daily functioning of the service, every intern is expected to adapt their workday in order not to exceed the 40 hours; the only condition being that you must respect the workweek as stated in the contract. Buildings are accessible between 7.00 and 9.30  and the workday ends between 16.00 and 19.00. A lunch break of 30 minutes, at the very least, must be taken every day.

What is the working atmosphere like at ING Luxembourg?

ING Luxembourg is investing more and more time into the integration and well-being of its employees at the bank. We organise numerous internal and external activities and events to provide employees (and, often, interns) with a fertile breeding ground for teamwork and cohesion.

Will interns be involved in training programs?

ING Luxembourg interns have access to a wide range of training programs offered by the bank. It is up to them to keep up-to-date with our e-learning platform and new training programs.

What is the public transport service like when coming to work at ING Luxembourg?

ING Luxembourg has 4 main building in the city of Luxembourg, all of which are accessible by bus and by bicycle. Luxembourg also has an excellent train network connecting it to France, Belgium, and Germany.

For further information, please visit the website – for the bus network and - for the rail network.

I would like to know more about the ING group. Where can I find more information?

For more information on the group, please visit our website,, where you can keep up-to-date with all the latest news.

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