The strength of a super-simple programme

How long does it take to make yourself a cup of Nespresso? The answer: ten to 15 push-ups. Folef Bredt knows things like that because he makes the most of his breaks by exercising. “Brief workouts throughout the day work best for me.” This is just one of the many useful tips Folef has to offer as the architect of ING’s WQ programme.

In 2016, ING challenged Folef and his company called Lifeguard to develop a ‘next-level well-being programme’ with a focus on energy management. The resulting Well-being Quotient (WQ) programme is currently evolving into a worldwide experience.

Folef: “The strength of the WQ programme lies in two things. Firstly, it’s super-simple. It revolves around four elements that help you to improve your stamina: nutrition, exercise, sleep and relaxation. Secondly, it’s being strongly supported company-wide. ING is actively investing in empowering people – and that of course means its own people as well as customers. Energetic people who feel good about themselves perform better, are happier at work and have a more flexible mindset which makes them better at coping with change.”

“ING’s WQ programme is designed for individuals, teams and leaders. ING employees on all continents attend multiple training courses and can make use of all kinds of tools ranging from e-learning modules to individual coaching. The programme is unique in its scale. We’re seeing that people really appreciate this level of attention, plus they really are succeeding in changing their behaviour in practice. Every change helps, even if it’s just a small one.”

When asked for another tip, Folef says: “I take an hour-long lunch break every day, no matter what. I spend 20 minutes eating and use the rest of the time to exercise and relax. That works really well for me.”

About Folef

  • Is a qualified stress management expert specialised in behavioural change.
  • Founded Lifeguard in 2001 together with a friend from university and a banker who was working in London at the time but quit his job in ‘the City’ for Lifeguard.
  • Spent ten years DJ’ing at parties in the past, and recently started doing it again for fun.
  • Is a big fan of the 7-Minute Workout: “I often do it several times a day”.
  • Together with his Lifeguard co-founders wrote a book called ‘Gezond gedrag is besmettelijk’ (‘Healthy behaviour is infectious’)
  • Is currently working on a follow-up called ‘Supercharge’, that will be published on 11 November 2020.
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