The Orange Code

ING’s operations touch many lives: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and society at large. Each individual within these groups can, and should expect, us to act with integrity.

Balancing the rights and interests of all involved is crucial to our ongoing viability. To act in ways that can stand the test of time; to live up to the values we hold as true. By being explicit about our values, we tell the world this is how you can expect us to behave.

For us, success will only be achieved if we act with integrity. We will not ignore, tolerate or excuse behaviour that breaches our values. To do so would break the trust of society and the trust of the thousands of great colleagues who do the right thing to take this company forward every day.

Our ING values are part of the Orange Code – our manifesto that describes our way of working.

With integrity above all, the Orange Code is made up of two parts:

ING Values
ING Behaviours

The non-negotiable promises we make to the world. The principles we stick to, no matter what.

We are honest

We carefully weigh the impact of our actions and make decisions that are considerate of all involved. We give honest, clear and frank advice to our customers. We respect the law and the rules we set for ourselves. We expect our customers and suppliers to do the same. We tell the truth. We are open, which means we are honest about what we do while balancing the interests of all involved.

We are prudent

We deal with other people’s money and financial information. Few things in life or business could be more important or more sensitive. We put the customer’s interests at the centre of all our activities. They can rightly expect their trust placed in us to be honored, meaning we care and have the right competence to manage their assets, interests and information. We manage financial risks carefully and take such risks only if these risks have been properly assessed.

We are responsible

From the projects we finance to the lighting in our offices, we are mindful that every aspect of our business has social and environmental impact. We respect human rights and care for the environment, avoiding or managing impact. We engage with our customers to promote continuous improvement. We encourage all forms of diversity, not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it is from different backgrounds and ways of thinking that new ideas spring forth. We invest in our communities, support good causes, and encourage employees to participate in volunteer activities.

Our way of being that makes us different from the rest. The commitments we make to each other and the standards by which we measure performance.

You take it on and make it happen

You take responsibility
You delegate
You ask actively
you speak up

You help others to be successful

You collaborate
You listen
You contribute
You trust

You are always a step ahead

You challenge
You bring change
You invent and simplify
You are courageous

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