Questions and answers about your application

Job search & application

How can I apply?

Please apply using our online form. We will then get back to you.

Please understand that we do not accept applications by post or direct e-mail.

To whom should I address my application?

Just use the neutral formal address “To Whom It May Concern”. That is the easiest way, since our job postings do not include the recruiter's name.

In which format can I upload my documents?

Whatever is easiest for you: you can upload Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF or image files (JPG, PNG) – up to an overall limit of 7 MB.

How do I know that my application has been successfully received?

We will confirm receipt of your application by e-mail within two working days after you have applied to us.

If you do not receive a confirmation, then our e-mail may have been blocked as spam by your mail provider's safety settings. Please check your spam folder first.

If you do not find an e-mail there, then contact our Recruiting Team at

When is the best time for me to apply?

Apply whenever it suits you, as ING has no fixed recruiting schedule. We recruit on an ongoing basis.

Where do I find the starting date for a job posting?

As a rule, we fill our openings at the earliest possible date. If there is a set date, it will be included in the job description.

In which language should I apply?

German or English – both are acceptable. Unless the job description indicates which language to apply in. .

How do I recognize if a position has already been filled?

All the jobs that you see on our careers page are vacant. For some positions, we are looking for several new colleagues. That is why these job postings remain online longer than others.

Who can I contact if I have questions about my application?

Feel free to e-mail our recruiting team at

Can I apply using my mobile device?

Of course. You can apply using your iPad, iPhone or Android device – all our pages are optimized for mobile devices.

Can I also apply on spec?

We're delighted that you're interested in building your career with us! 

We're always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our teams. To quickly determine if we're a good fit, we fill our vacancies exclusively through targeted recruitment, meaning we don't consider unsolicited applications. 

There is no suitable job listed at the moment? No worries – we regularly update our vacancies. Feel free to keep an eye on our page – you might find the perfect job for you soon, and we’ll get the chance to meet in person. 

We look forward to getting to know you soon!

Will my application information be treated confidentially?

Of course. Other than the recruiting team and the responsible staff in each department who are looking for candidates like you, nobody else has access to your data or documents.

The recruiting process

When can you offer feedback on my application?

As a rule, within two weeks – our recruiting team and the department will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible.

How long does the overall selection process take and how does it work?

We would like to get to know you and all the other candidates as well as possible. And of course, we want to give you a chance to get to know us. And that can sometimes take a while. But we try to make sure that this process does not drag on too long. Hmm, not the answer you were hoping for? You can find a summarized overview of all the steps from online application to starting your career here.

What is the best way for me to prepare for an interview?

The best way is to get informed about ING on our website. Don't worry: we won't quiz you on your knowledge. Just be yourself and have a few questions prepared for us – so we can find out straight away if we are a good fit for each other.

Do I have to cover travel expenses to the interview myself?

No, we will reimburse your travel expenses if you come using public transportation (rail, 2nd class). Are you using another means of transportation and would like to discuss travel expenses? Please let us know.

I have found another job. How can I withdraw my application?

Congratulations, even though that is too bad for us. Just e-mail us at Of course, you can apply again at any time. We would be happy to hear from you.

My application was rejected without an explanation – why?

Please be assured that a rejection is not personal, nor does it in any way reflect on your skills. Particularly for highly sought-after jobs, the decisive factors often come down to small details, for example, a certain focus a candidate may have or their specific experience. For this reason, we look at all these details very closely to decide if an application is a good fit for the position advertised – or perhaps better suited to another position. Thank you for understanding that we can only give a general answer to this question. We do hope, however, that this answer helps provide some clarity. Unfortunately, we cannot be more specific about a rejection.

Hybrid working at ING

When do I work at the bank?

You and your team jointly agree upon fixed team days to meet at the bank. Beyond that, you can work at the bank whenever you want.

When can I work remotely?

If it is not a team day, you are free to choose where you work, whether in the office, at home or another suitable location. For our Young Talents, internal company agreements apply for the duration of their training period.

How can I get properly equipped for remote work?

We want to help ensure that your remote working location is technically and ergonomically up to date. We provide you with modern standard equipment, such as a laptop computer. On top of that, you receive an equipment budget of €1,500 for use in our "Orange Cart" store, which you can use to buy ergonomic furniture, IT equipment and accessories for working remotely. Interns and working students are exempt from this.

Do I have to live in the vicinity of the bank?

No. However, we do recommend living within a reasonable commuting distance to your workplace – i.e. requiring a 1 to 1.5 hour commute at most. This way, you will not have to travel too far on team days.

Can I work from abroad?

Yes. Upon coordination with your team and lead, you can work remotely for up to 30 days per year from any country in the EU, as well as Great Britain, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. This means that you can work remotely from a total of 32 countries, including European islands, such as the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. For our Young Talents, internal company agreements apply for the duration of their training period.

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