Environmentally aware and socially engaged

At ING, sustainability is at the heart of what we do. We have a responsibility to society to define new ways of doing business where planet and people are just as important as economic growth. We want to be a banking leader in building a sustainable future for our company, our customers, society and the environment, and we want to take responsibility.

We focus on climate action

The fight against global warming is a top priority for ING. We want to play an active role in the transition to a low-carbon society for all. We are leading by example by striving for zero emissions in our own operations. We recognise that sustainability is not just about reducing our own footprint, but also influences the choices we make as a company. We are committed to aligning our portfolio with the goals of the Paris Agreement to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are no longer providing new financing for coal-fired power plants or the development of new oil and gas fields. We continuously measure our progress using the Terra approach. Our financing and investment policies, as well as our broader business ambitions, are structured around social, ethical and environmental criteria.

Read more about our climate actions.

We contribute to a financially healthy society

Money is one of the biggest challenges for many people and households around the world as they strive to meet their everyday needs, or plan for their future. As innovators, we’re working to advance financial health and inclusion for our customers and communities. We put money into products, tools, research and education that help contribute to a financially healthy society.

Read more about what we do about financial health.

We collaborate with others to build a strong community

We launch, grow and scale social enterprises by providing financial and capacity building support. ING and its employees are taking various actions to contribute to a better world. To help local communities become more resilient, key partnerships have been established for the long term:

King Baudoin Foundation

In collaboration with the King Baudouin Foundation, we provide financial support every year to social projects that contribute to a circular economy, digital inclusion and financial education. In 2022, ING has made an additional donation of half a million euros to the ING Sustainable Buildings Fund" to give a boost to green the facades of our public buildings. 

Here are the programs managed by the King Baudouin Foundation and supported by ING: 

  • The ING Fund for a more circular economy supports projects that seek sustainable solutions to reduce waste, preserve natural resources and create jobs. This year, ING is once again contributing 250,000 euros to give a boost to promising projects in the country.
  • ING fund for a more digital society with a harvest of 300,000 euros a year for projects to promote digital inclusion for all such as the project of the Brussels organisation “Bibliothèque Sans Frontières”, a 2021 ING Fund winner, which aims to train digital helpers by setting up a network of “digital buddies” in Wallonia. Or the non-profit organisation Eqla, which trains visually impaired people to work easily with digital tools.
  • ING fund for financial literacy with a harvest of 90,000 euros a year for projects to inform and to train young generations in finance matters to reduce the risks of exclusion. This one is in collaboration with AXA IM, BlackRock, Amundi, Franklin Templeton and NN IP. In 2021-2022 the fund supported an exhibition on financial education at the BELvue Museum: “Mysteries of Finance", giving young people aged 12 and above an insight into financial issues and the associated challenges people face in their private and professional lives. In 2022, 15 new projects led by schools and local associations are supported by the fund to promote financial literacy of youngest. And the call for projects continues, targeting schools and associations.
  • ING fund for more sustainable public buildings launched in 2022 with a harvest of 500,000 euros for the greening of the façade of public buildings The Fund was established on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of ING Belgium and with this call, it aims to make a lasting contribution to improve the air in the cities, to reduce the urban heat island effect and to bring nature back into the city in order to improve the well-being of residents and allow buildings to make positive contribution to the environment.


With ING as a partner, the Brussels-based foundation BeCentral organizes an annual, free coding camp for children from all social, economical and cultural backgrounds during the Easter holidays. The camp was first organised in 2020 to thank hospital carers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Since then, the initiative has seen the number of participants grow from just 12 to over 1,000 children for the 2022 edition. With the help of existing partners such as ING and local actors, the foundation has developed and organised 10 different camps located in 5 cities in 2022.

ING Volunteering Days

In partnership with Time4society, each year more than 1,000 ING employees donate a day of their time to local social organisations through our ING Volunteering Days initiative. Discover more in the videos below.

Close the Gap

With Close the Gap, ING supports the development of a circular economy and digital inclusionby giving a second life to hundreds of old laptops, monitors and other pieces of IT equipment each year. While this is mainly in African and Asian countries but also in Belgium.

Our environmental impact

Sustainability also means reducing your environmental footprint. Therefore, we’re reducing ING’s energy consumption and waste by improving recycling processes, optimising our rainwater consumption, favouring working from home and using more environmentally friendly means of transport.


At ING, we regularly update our position in relation to financing, such as the sectors we exclude (for example, the production of animal fur, cosmetic testing on animals, nuclear weapons and rainforest deforestation) and what we expect from our customers in terms of respect for human rights and the environment. In our annual report, as well as details of financial performance, you’ll find information on our environmental and social impact throughout our value chain. This transparency has been rewarded by rating agencies, including Sustainalitics and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, which rank ING among the most sustainable banks in the world.

We empower our employees to contribute to all of this. 

We are committed to an inclusive and diversity-focused personnel policy. We create a pleasant working environment in which our employees can challenge themselves, achieve their full potential and contribute to the future of the company and the community in which we live.

Did you know? ING intent to reduce (base year 2014):

  • its direct CO2
    emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3 - business travel) by 75% by 2025
  • its energy consumption by 65% by 2030

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