Programme overview

Select one of the tracks and discover what’s in it for you:

The International Talent Programme offers two years of diversified rotations, trainings and experiences, each one crafted for personal development. During the traineeship you’ll get coaching from the trainee managers within ING and from external coaches as well.

Rotations and trainings:

It’s hard to know exactly what you like before you’ve tried it. That’s why, you’ll rotate between different projects and departments within your track. During the two-year traineeship, you’ll be based in at least three different teams; three rotations (of six months) in different teams and afterwards you’ll start in your permanent role. To ensure that you gain a thorough understanding of our core business, you will follow training courses related to banking and financial services. You’ll obtain internationally recognised certifications related to your areas of expertise, which will benefit your career within ING and beyond.

Second rotation - international assignment:

For your second rotation you can choose to go abroad, if circumstances allow,  in one of our 20 countries across the globe. You’ll choose the project with your talent manager as part of your development plan. Working internationally provides you with a wealth of valuable experience, both personally and professionally.

Third rotation - the last one before your permanent position:

You’re in charge, your third rotation is arranged by you. Your HR trainee manager will help you in the decision making; will this last rotation be done to deepen the knowledge of your business (within your track) or do you decide to do this rotation within a different track? Imagine: as an Operations & Change or Retail Banking trainee you can get Analytics experience, or as a Risk trainee you can get a better understanding of our Wholesale Banking business.

Local and global events:

You will participate in two Global events together with other ING trainees from around the world. That’s where you will meet the other members of your year group: more than 100 international trainees who have started at ING in the same year as you, all from across the globe – an inspiring experience. You will learn a lot about ING’s strategy, products and the challenges. Moreover, you will immerse yourself in the products, services and markets that are relevant for your work. Also, we offer you Virtual Trainee Days. They’ll take place 2 times per year, with the goal of learning about ING and working on your personal development. Right from day one, your traineeship is all about learning, developing and performing, but it’s also a lot of fun.

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